Thursday, October 14, 2010

More Italian Pizza

Thursday, after our first midterm, we decided we deserved to reward ourselves (and celebrate my always important half birthday :) ) by going out to eat. We found a place down the street that had all kinds of pizzas for only 4 euro each.. perfect! There were 4 of us, so we each ordered a different kind and tried them all. I ordered Amatriciana (my favorite... spicy tomato sauce with bacon), and we also tried apple and gorgonzola, broccoli and cheese, and capriccioso. So good! We're already talking about how much we're going to miss Italian food when we get home, and there's still so much to try.

After lunch, we had a little extra time so we wandered around Rome. We went to the Pantheon, checked out a church we hadn't seen called Santa Maria Sopra Minerva, and stopped at Giolitti's for some gelato. Then we got packed and flew to Madrid for the weekend!

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